Dear Mom


Dear Readers,

My wordpress readers know me by the blog name dragthepen, however, I am J. R. Floyd,  creator of the YouTube channel Conversations with J. R. where I discuss relationship problems and explore the destruction of the family. At the start of the New Year ( 2020) I asked my viewers to join me in a year-long theme of writing letters to SELF. Each month I choose a different topic to write a letter about. This month I decided to write a letter to my mother, she is alive, and will never read this letter. This is my chance to work out  emotions that I’ve suppressed for years. This is my way of having that mother daughter talk. My mother is 77 years old and at this point in her life there is no need to open past wounds. I did not experience the ideal mother daughter relationship, although I am a mother,  I did not have good mother role models around me to teach me how to be a mother. At the age of 56, I still long for a deep soul connection with my mother, that unbreakable bond that I hear so many other mothers and daughters talk about. 

Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day. I hope you enjoyed the flowers I sent. I try my best to do as you ask to “ give you your flowers while you’re living”. I struggled whether to write this letter because I do not want my readers to get the impression that I am bashing my mother. I would never do that if you gave me the greatest gift, my life. Mom, there are some issues about our relationship that I have kept buried deep inside from childhood into adulthood, why, because you did not make it easy for me to confide in you. Looking back I understand that you were overwhelmed with children, being a wife and running a home. I have tried to make peace with the fact that you did the best you could with the information you had at the time. 

Mom, that the little girl in me still aches for the gentle, loving touch of a mother’s hand. As I matured in age and experience there were certain hardships that I could not talk to you about because I was afraid of being judged by you. I heard that a mother’s love is unconditional, and that mother’s have this 6th sense of wisdom, and mother’s forgive unconditionally. You never kissed any of my boo boo’s, played dress up with me, read  me funny stories, or  told me that I was pretty,  and that I was your princess. Instead,  you gave me a stern hand when I needed a firm one. You withheld vital information about maturing into womanhood, my body changed and I needed you to help me to understand this transformation. You didn’t teach me self- care, self- worth,  or self -respect, and most importantly to keep myself for that special person. 

There were nights when I cried into my pillow because I knew if I cried out you won’t come,and if you did I was afraid that you would scorn me.  I need the warmth, protection and assurance only a mother’s arms can give. You missed so many important events, my 1st and 2nd college graduations, the birth of my 1st son and the burial of my 2nd son. For years,  I put extra effort into being super women so that you would be proud of me, but instead, you praised other people’s daughters for their accomplishments. You haven’t read any of my books, listened to my podcast, or watched my YouTube channel. When I received my Ministry License, you told me you were“ proud of me”, but I did not feel any joy from those words because to me they were just words. I have gone through life loving you and hoping that we can connect on an emotional level. My hope is that the years that you have left us can find a way to be joined together as it was met to be. 


Thank you for stopping by dragthepen

Dear Love

Dear, Readers, at the start of this new year ( 2020) I invited my readers, supporters and viewers of my You tube Channel, Conversations with J. R. Floyd, to join me in a long adventure with writing a letter to self. for each month i read my letter to self on my you tube channel and live on Facebook. the mission of my Brand, conversations with J. R. Floyd is to uplift people who;s heart and spirit have been broken. if you missed my letter to self in January you can find it on my You Tube channel. thank you for stopping by dragthepen.


Dear Love, 

For a long, long time I did not know who you were. Oh, I have heard talk about romantic love, passionate love, poetic love, fake love, black love, sister love and love of a spouse. My entire life I did not know that the intense longing in my soul was because I needed you, and I  did not understand that authentic love comes from the pure dept of a person’s heart and spirit. My misunderstanding of love begin when I was a child I did not know the sweet comforts of the words “ I love You”  there weren’t any loving hugs, night time kisses, bedtime stories, and no one scared away the things that went bump in the night. Instead, I was shooed away told to disappear, be quiet and keep my needs to myself. So, I went through my childhood, adolescence and adulthood thirsting for the security, protection, warmth, a sense of belonging and a deep soul connection. Along this journey to find LOVE, I mistaken lust for love, men’s aggressive and jealous behavior as love, my thinking was wrong because I took the verbal and aggression towards as an expression of LOVE.. 


I did some things that I am ashamed of in exchange for what I thought was LOVE. I was betrayed, conned, mislead, and broken over and over, and I once almost conspired to sell my soul to the devil for the sake of feeling this LOVE. At this point in my life it is too late for the father daughter talk, my father is no longer with me in the flesh. And my relationship with my mother is distant and broken, I made many attempts to reach out to her to ask why had she been an emotionally detached mother, but she ignored my plea.. 


So, here I am LOVE, not chasing you anymore. I have shut down the lustful desires of my flesh in exchange of getting to know who I am,  loving myself is my only priority. You see LOVE, I have been looking for you in all the wrong faces and hearts. You have lead me down some long dark dank tunnels only to abandon me. I will no longer be fooled by your smooth talk, unfulfilled promises, and your touch of fornication will no longer have a hold on my soul. 


My first LOVE will be me. Yes, you heard me. I have begun the process of loving me first and unconditionally. I am going to give to myself security and protection from all the Don Juans  of this world who seek to suck out my soul and drain my spirit. I will provide for me, and keep promises to myself, I look forward to each day with joy and excitement of seeing me grow into the person I can LOVE. I am not going to look for you, LOVE anymore. This is a new day, I am walking a new path, and you should come to find me, and by the time you catch up to me I will be the LOVE you are looking for.  


Next months letter to self, Dear  LIFE.

Childhood Scars: the breaking down of a child

Dear Readers and Viewers, I have discovered that the negative words and action that were done to some of us as children have had an impact on how we view who we are. What is important to understand is that childhood scares get buried under all the other negative experiences until some triggers  a memory and takes you back to that time in our life when we didn’t feel safe or love. My goal in sharing my story is that people will stop judging and insisting that we ” get over it and let go” instead start a dialogue that will  lead to a new path of healing. Thank you for watching. Please support me by subscribing to my You Tube channel: Conversation with J. R. Floyd

The Voice of Reason

Dear readers,

To my supporters who are parents please stop what you’re doing and for once listen to the voice of reason. Who Am I? I am the voice you constantly try to ignore or engage in conversation about when and how to have the “the talk “with your children about “the birds and the bees” yes that talk. The first dilemma, who’s going to take the lead, in other words, will mom do the talking, while dad nods his head in agreement or vice versa. What are you afraid of? That you will open the door for your children to explore areas of sexuality that they may not be thinking about? So, you practice your spiel, and plan the perfect time and place.

Hello, Mom, Dad, this is the voice of reason. While you’re wasting time, yes procrastinating, delaying, and stalling, giving this important gift of knowledge that can help your children to made sense of the roller-coaster of the age of adolescence into adulthood; they are out there in the world exploring uncharted territory. You think that they are too young, well while you’re pondering the appropriate age to pass on this information, as the voice of reason it is my duty to remind parents of the increasing number of teen parents who didn’t get “the talk.”

Are you in denial that your little Princess isn’t interested in boys because she spends all her time in her bedroom talking to her girlfriends on the phone. What do you think they are talk about? Boys, who lost their virginity, and how and when they hope to lose theirs. Your all-star handsome son who is the schools most popular athlete, with a bright future ahead of him, but there is only one problem, no one told him the penalty for having unprotected sex with all the girls who offered themselves up Mr. popular.  Parents why aren’t you ready to introduce the topic of safe sex, birth control, and to teach young girls how not to get themselves caught in a situation that they did she coming; hey, I am the voice of reason and I will say it, young males need to be schooled at an early age that, Force Sex is another name for “Rape.” Ouch, did that hurt, am I coming on to strong and wrong?

Parents have you taken a good look around you? The world has changed since the days of the baby boomers, when boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy courts girl properly, if boy wanted to touch girl, they got married and that was the end of that. This what todays parents are up against; the internet is their worst night mare. Ask yourself a question, why is your children under the age of 18 on social media? Cable TV is another ingredient that adds to our children behaving oddly. It calls “ratchet tv” meaning this generation are followers of TV characters on reality tv and they imitate what they see, and who’s paying the bill for that? Parents why are you paying an enormous amount of many to transform your 12-16-year-old daughter into a fully mature 21-year-old complete with, expensive weaves, nails, boobs and so much make up it difficulty to see who’s under the mask. The world isn’t the root of problem.

I am the voice of reason and I say it starts at home. What say You?