
Dear readers,

Don’t live your life singing the” When” song.  Most people think  they that need certain conditions in their life to be happy. Although, in some cases this may be true, but putting off certain goals that we have control over only leads to time wasted and regrets. Don’t be one of those people who say things like, when I acquire an education I will be happy. When I earn more money then I can travel and see the world. When I move into a better house then I can enjoy myself. When I lose the weight then I will look better. When my children grow up then I can concentrate on my life. When I save up a certain amount of money then I will feel secure. When I have time I will start or finish that project. When….When…. the time to live life is now. Each day we should experience something new, and  most importantly, make time for the people in our life who truly matter. The time is now….. When may never come.

What Say you?

J. R. Floyd



Reality Check

Dear readers,

Lately, I’ve called attention to people’s mannerism or lack thereof, and the words that we use or have taken out of our vocabulary. My parents raised me and my siblings to see the good in people, to share, be kind, and if we didn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.  I know that their instructions were given with love and for intention, to see their children mature into caring adults. However, they were raised during an era when people had different values, and family and community was a very important part of everyday life.

Fast-forward………. Today most people don’t think in terms of what’s good for their community or family. It is difficult for me to come to terms with the truth that are “Self-thinking.” And that Self-centered people don’t have any sentiments about the impact that their negative, selfish, and arrogance have on others. Recently, my blinders were unkindly ripped from my eye, to my astonishment I’ve been living in denial. Let the truth be told, people have become cold and malicious, I regret that there is no “Nice” way to say this. I’ve spent too much time making excuses for people who aren’t “good.” I’ve gave freely of my time to people who didn’t deserve it.  My time would have been better spent volunteering at an animal shelter. First, for my love of cats and dogs, second, they are deserving of the love and the time I give to them.

Now, the last part of my parent advice, “say something nice” I’m happy that I no longer exist in denial, and that the blinders are off, it never too late to learn. I intend to be on my guard, I will ask questions, no longer will I give freely of my time, and finally, everyone who smiles or calls me friend don’t necessarily have good intentions.

What say you.

The Conversation

Dear readers, Sixteen days into the new year. Question how is those RESOLUTIONS working for you?

Well, if you haven’t read my post the Bucket list versus Resolutions, I’ve come across a list of 20 Questions by  author Martha  Nibley Beck,   an American sociologist, life coach, best-selling author, and speaker who specializes in helping individuals and groups achieve personal and professional goals.

Maybe its time to stop looking at that list of New Years Resolutions and have a serious conversation with yourself. Its Martha Beck’s theory  that these 20 question will help you to find the answers to some of life’s dilemmas by asking  the right questions.

  1. What questions should I be asking myself?
  2. Is this what I want to be doing?
  3. Why worry?
  4. Why do I like ________ more than I like _____?
  5. How do I want the world to be different because I lived  in it?
  6. How do I want to be different because I live in the world?
  7. Are vegans better people?
  8. What is my body telling me?
  9. How much junk could a chic chick if a chic chick could chuck junk?
  10. What’s so funny?
  11. Where am I wrong?
  12. What potential memories am I bartering, and is the profit worth the price?
  13. Am I the only one struggling not to ____?
  14. What do I love to practice?
  15. Where could I work less and achieve more?
  16. How can I keep myself absolutely safe?
  17. Where should I break the rules?
  18. So say I lived in that fabulous house in Tuscany, with untold wealth, a gorgeous , adoring mate, and a full staff of servants…then what?
  19. Are my thoughts hurting or healing?
  20. Really truly: Is this what I want to be doing?

What Say you?

What Say You?

Greetings readers,

I am back, did  you enjoyed your Independence day celebration?….Speaking of Independence

Some people  say, times have changed. I say, people have changed.

Flashback… to the days when wives stayed at home while husbands worked to support their families.

Moving forward to the birth of the women’s movement and feminist ideology causing women to leave their homes, and join the work force. However, women are still expected to come home and perform their domestic duties.  Most of the women I spoke to about women working outside of the home, said they felt that ” society and their families are punishing them for wanting to be recognized for more them just a stay at home house wife.”

The punishment these women are referring to is the labels given to “women who want have it all. They are called Superwoman or Ms. Independent, High maintain, and because they have a job, they don’t need a man. Women in the work force are belittled and told that they are trying to compete with men. So, chivalry is dead, because women raised their voices and want to have a say, instead of being dictated to by a cultural belief that “a women’s place is in the home.”

Back to the matter of women who feel they are being punished for wanting to earn a pay check, obtain an education and explore their creative abilities. Husbands are demanding that their wives  give of their earnings and contribute to the household expenses; as away of a wife ” doing her part.”

When referring to the financial situation in a relationship, I hear this phrase ” Whats mine is mine and whats hers is hers.” Gone are the days of what we earn is ours. Husbands are hiding money, wives have to conceal the fact that they have back account.  This why I say, people have changed.


What say you?
