
Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com

Dear Readers,

A strange occurrence took place a few days ago and it left me shock, bewildered, which lead me to deeply ponder about this advanced age of technology and how disconnected we are. It all started when I left my cell phone at my evening gig. I picked up an extra shift on Monday, October 14, Columbus day. In my haste to catch my train on time I left my cell phone and I refused to go back to retrieve it. I know that some people would rather be flogged than go without their cell phone, but I am not most people. This occurred on Monday and I didn’t retrieve my phone until Wednesday. I  do not have a back up phone and I was prefectly fine without it. I did not panic about missing calls, texts, Snapchat etc. I was confident that if my family couldn’t reach me they would simply called my business number. What did I do without my cell phone, what I always do nothing.
I am not one of those people who are joined at the hip with my cell phone. When I told people I went without my cell phone for 24 plus hours they looked at me in horror. One person declared that their life is inside of their phone and couldn’t image being without it. I said, my life is in my lungs and heart beat not in a mechanical device. I simply didn’t see the big deal. When I finally had the time to pick up my cell phone I was dreading all the calls, texts, voice mails etc.. that I would read and respond to. After charging my dead phone I was ready for all hell to break loose. I waited in vain. I had the sum of 1 text message and 1 voice mail. A part of me was relieved and the other part of me was confused. I thought what if I went another day without the means to communicate by cell phone would some become concern? Having so little calls and text messages what does this mean about the people who are in my contact list?

I though girl, stop being dramatic. No, I am not being a drama queen. What if I was injured, lost, kidnapped or worst deceased who would know? I had a sense of profound loneliness the feeling of being disconnected and unimportant. Today is Thursday, and my phone is still quiet. Does this mean that I reach out to people more than they do? I tried to convince myself, self your over reacting or am I? The bottom line is its not about not having my cell phone because there are other means people can contact me. Do I means so little to the people in my circle? I make it a habit to check on  family and friends at least one a week, by voice mail, text, or email. Its been a week since I sent my youngest sister a Thinking of you card, but she didn’t call to say if she received the card. I know in general people are busy, but do we use the excuse of being busy to the point its has lost its merit?
Should I wait until some one calls, text, email or Snapchat? When they do should I bore them with the saga of me beginning disconnect from what people refer to as a ” life line”? Or should I put the ordeal and my emotions aside and just say, “hello glad to hear from you, how’s life”.

What Say you?

Stolen Innocence


Dear Readers,

We are becoming a society that is creating the next generation of dysfunctional women. Take a look around, we are pushing little girls into women-hood before they are ready. We are all to blame, however, this misguided introduction on how to become a proper lady begins at home. Today’s parents are lost between satisfying their children’s needs and being a cool parent. Regardless of the tasks parents are up against there is no true reasoning for them to financially support and give their seal of approval for their daughters to dress in a manner that is not age appropriate. The consequence for young girls between the ages of 10-16 dressing inappropriate is that they are subjected to being negatively labeled, and there are men in this society who have no regrades to approaching under age girls. The foundation of family is the root where children learn how to mature into adulthood. It is the duty of  mothers, grandmother and aunts to be positive role models and guide young girls how to conduct themselves in the appropriate manner by teaching them what is acceptable. Most people place blame solely on reality television, rap video’s, and social media because these outlets expose  young girls to a fastidious glamorous life style that requires them to be ” sexy”.  Reminder,  Kim Kardashian become ” famous” not for pro….. any true talent, but she made millions from a sex tape.
There is no rational for young girls between the ages of 8 to 16 to go through the horror of sitting and being fitted for a full weave, full set of nail tips that are shaped like lethal weapons, in addition to waking in 8 inch heels and tight clothing. I have seen 12- 14 year old girls wearing pom pom shorts that expose their butt cheeks, and halter tops exposing the outline of young developing breast, and women around them encouraging them by complementing how cute they look. I recently attended a junior high school graduation for a friends daughter. What I observed during the ceremony was shocking, appalling, and shameful. Young girls wearing micro mini dresses revealing their inner thighs, and the print of their panties lines. Some wore shoes with heels so over the top high that they had to hold onto a friend or family member to walk. Their was cleavage and exposed butt cheeks, hanging out of shorts, and young innocent faces plastered with make up.
The message we are sending to young girls is that enhancing and altering their appearance is the only way society will except them and exposing their private body parts is the standard by which the male gaze says that they are beautiful. We are taking away their innocence and most important we are not allowing them to go through the natural stages from childhood to adolescence to becoming a young women. As adults we are supposed to protect our young girls. The reality is that there is more evil than good in this world.The wolves are out there ready to devalue the minds of young girls. Let’s go back to the old saying, “it takes a village to raise a child”. In this village our young girls will know that they are loved, protected and that they are valved for their inner beauty, intelligence, gifts and talents, not for their bodies.
What say you?

A Few Things I Want to Say

Dear Readers, there’s is a few things I would like to address, please bear  with me.cropped-dsc2746-1.jpg

This new idea of a genderless society is a step towards taking away our individual identify. I have never been fond of the principle of assigned gender roles. I am a supporter of equal rights regardless of gender some people interrupt this as women’s desire to compete with men this thinking is wrong. It is by natural selection that we are given our gender and identity. Furthermore, due to advance science and technology parents are able to discover the gender of an embryo, so much for the elements of surprise. There is even speculation of future technology that will allow parents to select certain features that they deem desirable resulting in their children being born with certain characteristics that will allow them to an advantage over other children. This all seems so absurd and out of control. Remember Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s literary masterpiece Frankenstein. This narrative illustrates the consequences of man going beyond the order of nature. What I observe occuring in society is the reordering or recreating a world to fit the needs of particular groups of people who feel the need to create a society that is out of the natural order. In today’s society practicing morals and good value is no longer important.

Our leaders have failed to stand firm on issues of family values instead they bend to every movement and organizations that cry foul when they feel that their basic human rights have been violated due a difference of opinions on issues like same sex marriage, gender neutral restrooms, the right to life, affordable housing, and the right to earn a fair wage. We have become so divided that we challenge whose life matter more. Black lives matter, the me to movement, along with other movements only serves the purpose of further diminishing people based on race and gender. Not to mention the that we currently live in a ” except me as I am society” where being unhealthy and overweight is viewed as body shaming so the practice of encouraging obesity is expected. Even the religious people are fleeing from their houses of worship to join non denominational churches because they are at odds with the strict rules of religion.

This chaos has led to an increase level of anger. Am I the only one who notice the increasing number of people who are angry? People are short fused. Patients, sympathy, compassion, understanding and reasoning is something of the past. Anger seems to be the new way to express displeasure, venting, going into a rage, and spewing out insults is becoming a normal part of people’s character. People blame social media, the overcrowding of public transportation, long commutes, the daily grind of life, high unemployment, hopleness, and high levels of stress, the list can go on and on, but the plain true is people are angry. This anger is spilling out into everyday life. Parents are short tempered towards their children. Couples are fighting more than usual over the smallest issues turning their home into a battle ground. There seems to be more anger at the workplace thus creating an unpleasant and hostile work environment. In the service industry consumers and customer service representatives are at odds due to complaints of low quality serve. People who are employed as wait staff, hair industry, driver’s, retail, healthcare, phone representative, postal workers all have the same complaint. They deliver poor service because they are shown very little appreciation for the services they provide.

If I am painting a picture that the world is on a collision course with itself just think about what is currently taking place immigrants are the focus of this administration, no one is seeking solutions to high unemployment, the homeless, drug abuse, and the increasing numbers of business closing. The politicians are focused on their personal agenda and they have no regards for the people who elected them to protect and provide for our well being in order to build a stronger and better world for the sake of all humanity.
Does any of this make any sense? If so what say you?

Grant me Peace

Dear readers,

I am thankful for a peaceful morning. We need to become aware of the effects of NOISE. Too much chatter/ NOISE can have damaging affects on us mentally, NOISE prevents us from staying focus. NOISE is also physically draining. People are afraid of silence because they might hear what they need to hear and not what they want to hear. If you life lack clarity, I challenge you to try one day without TV, Radio, Social Media, turn off the Cell Phone, computer, JUST TURN OFF THE NOISE. Instead, take a walk, talk to your family, play a board game, read, or just sit in a favorite chair and BE Still.Today my strength is restore. I am grateful!

What Say you?